The most Frequently Asked Questions about ice sculptures and ice art. Plus, some answers!

Yes! It really is just ice. Surprisingly (to me anyway), that’s probably the most frequently asked question about ice sculptures that I hear. But frozen water is the medium that I know and understand, so that’s what I work with. There might be some minor exceptions in the near future, but by and large, what you see here is just ice with color lighting.

Yes! I often start work on my ice sculptures and ice art with a chainsaw. Then I usually move down in tool size as the sculpture gets more detailed. I’ll typically use soldering irons and/or Dremels with small detailing bits as I’m finishing an ice artwork.

A fast ice sculptor can make some ice sculptures VERY quickly. For example, I’ve carved sculptures in as little as 10 minutes! But that’s not what I have here. With the “fine ice art” that I’m showcasing on this site, I’ll spend at minimum days, and possibly weeks on a piece. But the sculpting isn’t the whole process. The photography and lighting set up is part of it too. And that involves long hours at 19˚F.

Actually, no. I’ve made thousands of ice sculptures over the years and after a while you get used to that. (You can see many more of my ice sculptures at icedragonice.com, btw!) It does bother me, however, when I don’t get the photo that I want of a sculpture that I’ve put a lot of work into. That happens sometimes :/

I’m going to get into that a little later with a specific page in this “About” section. But this is another of the most frequently asked questions I get about my ice sculptures. Suffice to say, it was kind of an accident when I had a summer job at a hotel during college. And then I just kind of ran with it!

A frequently asked question about my ice sculptures is if I used a chainsaw. Yes! Here I sculpt an eagle from ice.

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